set gChapters = ["INTRO", "EARTH'S ROOF"] set gArticles = [["Partwork"], ["pic", "movie", "cutting", "cutting", "cutting", "cutting"]] set gDates = [[], [0, 0, "The Times, June 21, 1990", "The Times, Oct 6,1993", "The Times, Dec 22, 1990", "The Times, Jan 21, 1994"]] set gName = getat(["Molina"],1) @[]##SCIENTISTS GIVE NEW WARNING ON OZONE HOLE#ANTARTIC OZONE LEVEL AT RECORD LOW#CFC'S TO BE BANNED EARLY#OZONE DAMAGE PUTS FOOD CHAIN AT RISK' James Lovelock (of Gaia fame) realised that CFCs collect in the atmosphere; but he thought that the atmosphere would cope. "It was a great blunder", he said#A 20 per cent loss of stratospheric ozone would cause a 40 per cent increase in ultraviolet radiation at ground level, according to an estimate in 1992 by the UN environmental programme#James Lovelock wrote of Rowland and Molina's paper: "It stands like a beacon, a natural successor to Rachel Carson's Silent Spring It heralded the start of the ozone war"#The UN calculates that a 40 per cent increase in ultraviolet radiation reaching the Earth could cause 600,000 skin cancers each year and 3 million cataracts#The first attempt to deal with the depletion of ozone came with the 1985 Vienna Convention on the Protection of the Ozone Layer